Random stuff bout Me, Chad, Shelby or anything else I feel like talking about

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hi-ho, Hi-ho it's off to school we went....

Last night was the first (of many) school programs at Shelby's school. Last night it was the "Bite of Stillwater" They had various local restaurants there with food (pizza, gyros, teriyaki, espresso, cookies) and then there were raffle tickets that you could buy to try to win gift baskets that the various classes had provided.

Originally it was suppose to be nice yesterday but it was gray and drizzly all day! But we went anyway! My friend who lives near the school and has a 1st grader wasn't going and I asked if she wanted us to take her daughter with. Boy, were the girls excited about that! And even though her friends dad ended up going she still went with us.

Boy, did they have a good time! They ran in to another friend of theirs and the girls were playing ring around the rosie and just having a great old time!

Overall the evening was a success. Even Chad enjoyed himself! (I know, surprise, surprise!)Shelby was upset because she did not win one of the baskets. Join the club kiddo! I never win anything either!!

It is just fun and somewhat bittersweet to watch Shelby transition in to this new milestone in her life. Each day she seems to work a little bit more towards gaining her independence and though I do want her to be independent it saddens me that my little baby is growing up!

Oh the joys of being a parent.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Oh where, oh where can my baby be?? Kindergarten took her away from me...

My baby is gone! She got on the bus Friday my little baby and got off the bus a big school ager!! When did she grow up on me!!!???

Well Shelby seems to enjoy school. When we got her off the bus on Friday she could not stop talking! All about the bus, kids in her class, who she played with at recess. And she got very annoyed by me asking TONS of questions. I really got to watch that!

And to top it off...she lost her second tooth! She lost the first on last Sunday and the other at school on Friday! Too much for a mommy to take in a weeks time!!! My heart...is...breaking!!!!

On another note, we went to Seaside for a car show this past weekend. It was sure nice to get away, at least for a few days. And Shelby loves going to the "beach house". Plus we had extra spending $$ and it's always great to spend money where there is no sales tax!! WOOHOO!!!

I'd rather be scrapbooking but I twisted my neck over the weekend and I can barely lift it! I am in severe pain and think I am going to go crawl in to bed now.....

Friday, September 5, 2008

My L'il Girl is in Kindie Now!!

My little girl is a big school ager now!! WAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! And she handled it a lot better then I did of course! No issues getting her up this morning (of course it was a bit later then when we used to get up!) and she just kept going "Is it time go yet? Can we go now?" and then we drove down to the end of the road to wait for the bus and she was basically bouncing off the car windows and saying "Where is my bus??" There were two other kids at the bus stop. Hmm, I did not know there were other elementary age kids on our street!

She did get a bit quieter when we actually walked to her the bus and she climbed on. But...one of my friends is her bus driver! So that is a relief!!

And already my daughter is giving me that "MO-O-O-O-M!!" I tried to take pic's this morning and she just rolled her eyes at me!!

So I will have you know that we were not following the bus (as it may look like from the one picture) Seriously, we were heading to town to get Starbucks coffee!!

So now I do housework and get ready for our trip to Seaside while I wait for Shelby's school day to get over with.