Random stuff bout Me, Chad, Shelby or anything else I feel like talking about

Sunday, May 22, 2011

One Proud Mama!

So a few weeks ago Shelby's art teacher mentioned that there would be a Valley Art Show and that Shelby should enter. Well Shelby didn't really seem enthused but then a few weeks after that one of her projects came home all framed with another form for us to fill out to enter her art into the show. Okay, we got it. Shelby was to enter her art!

Well we thought nothing else of it. In fact I wasn't even totally clear on what all the art show involved. Was there prizes given? Was the artwork being judged? Well if it was, I was not getting my hopes up because poor Shelby comes from a family of losers. Now I don't mean that in the sense that we are just pathetic people, in fact I like to think we are quite wonderful people! But we don't win anything. Never win on lottery tickets - not even $1! Publishers Clearing house has yet to ring our doorbell with that big huge check in hand...So image my surprise when Chad sends me a text Friday night and said that Shelby had won 3rd place in her category and age group!!

Her art is proudly displayed at the Rocking E feed store in town! Go check it out!

(the serious artist and her work - the one w/the white ribbon!)

(A close up of the prize winning artwork!)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Oh my goodness. I am one lucky mommy! I have the best daughter in the whole world!

So the little munchkin has been excited for the past week getting ready for Mother's Day. Earlier in the week she was getting some flowers ready for me, then later in the week she was telling me I could not get up before 6 am (um...yeah, no problem there!) Then last night she set her alarm clock for...you guessed it, 6 am. However only I woke up to the music playing when it went off. When she did get up she came to get daddy so they could start making me breakfast.

After I dozed back off for a bit I heard them coming up the stairs and kept my eyes closed until Shelby called out my name. There on my breakfast tray was toast, eggs, bacon and OJ. The best part though, was this beautiful little flower that sat high and proud!

Then the hubby and kiddo were off as I got to veg and watch a movie. Then it was off for a free haircut at Great Clips, followed by a mocha coconut frapp and then back home to relax a bit longer until my fam was back with a rose bush, two cards and an iPhone!! :) My family rocks!

Happy Mother's Day!