Random stuff bout Me, Chad, Shelby or anything else I feel like talking about

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Merry Christmas from the Pederslies

So some of you I only know or coorespond with virtually. But well my Christmas newsletters are just so funny and witty that I want to share it with all! So here it is!

Wow, the end of 2011 already? It just doesn’t seem possible.

Well time to recap the fun and exciting times we have had in this last year....

…Hmm……Well…Let me think. Hmm….All Done! Happy New Year! Seriously though…

New additions - We had several new additions to our family this year. Seems to be a re-occurring theme with us! One family member was of the metal variety (i.e. a newer truck) and two were of the furry variety (cats). We decided it was time to cut the apron strings and send the Landcruiser on it’s merry way. It was a great vehicle and we hated to see it go but it seemed silly to have that and the ol’ Ford truck when it made more sense to have a vehicle that could accommodate more than 3 people AND haul loads. So we got a new(er) truck. Yes this year the new vehicle addition was not of the vintage variety but I am sure there will be a new project car in our future!

Our furry friends are two precious cats that I acquired from a friend that moved to Alaska. I love cats, I love cats, I love cats. Seriously they are sweet animals but I think we will be replacing carpet a lot sooner then we wanted! It is fun to watch them get a bit braver and take Harley (the dog) on!

Trips – In April I took a trip to Vegas for a girls weekend w/my bestie Nikki who lives in Phoenix. We stayed at the Luxor and went to the Criss Angel Show (fasinating!) and to the Titanic exhibit. I had seen this exhibit years ago when it was in Seattle but this one was 10 times better!

In July we hopped on a plane and headed to Disneyland! As you remember I am a consultant for Close to My Heart scrapbooking. Their yearly convention was at Disneyland this year so we went! We spent a bit of extra time there and went to SeaWorld, LegoLand, met up with a friend of mine that I have known since first grade and took Shelby to Warner Bros. Studio. This time we actually got to walk onto the set of Chuck! I WAS IN HEAVEN! I think Shelby really loved to see how TV shows and movies use backlots for their productions. Maybe she will become a famous movie and/or TV show producer when she grows up and she can support us!

Chad – Chad just continues to play in his shop. This year involved the finishing touches on it such as electricity, insulation, framing in and completing the bathroom. There is still a lot to do but it’s getting there! He & his dad got the hot rod on the road earlier this year. Boy is that fun to drive around on some of those nice summer days we had!

Chad also sacrificed his Nova in trade for a new roof on the house. I am still trying to convince him that this was a good thing and having a roof over our head is important but not sure if he agrees w/me yet!

Steph – I just asked my family what I did this past year and Shelby says “Scrapbooked, scrapbooked, scrapbooked and scrapbooked” Yes I think that about sums it up! I have no life…..

I did get to go to Phoenix for a few days for work. I went to this great symposium and met other fellow Honeywell employees. Plus I got to hang out with a few of my friends that live in that area. And it’s even more fun when work pays for it all!

Shelby – She is 9 now! Where did the time go!?!? I am VERY thankful we just have her because with all of her extra curricular activities we have plenty of running around! She is in Girl Scouts and went to Girl Scout Day camp for a week this summer. She also went to soccer camp for a week in preparation for being in soccer this fall. Not sure where she got this inkling to play soccer. Must get it from daddy as I was not a sporty girl! So the fall has consisted of soccer games every Saturday, regardless of weather. There have been some very wet games and some VERY cold games, but Shelby has done a great job and I am sure we will be doing the same thing again next year!

She also started swim lessons in May and is an AWESOME swimmer. Sad to say she can swim better then me now.

She has also been taking art lessons from the Northwest Art Center here in Duvall. She entered a local art contest in May and won 3rd prize! Again, where is she getting all these awesome traits? She plays soccer, swims and can draw?? All those great genes must have skipped right over me!

With that we hope you are all doing well and are ready for the holidays. Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season!

Steph, Chad, Shelby, Harley the dog, Tiger & Hoku the cats

Check out our slideshow!