Random stuff bout Me, Chad, Shelby or anything else I feel like talking about

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Holy Crap! I'm a Mom!!

So I was talking to a friend the other about our kids. She asked me if I have ever looked at Shelby and just thought to myself "Holy Crap! I'm a Mom!" I had to chuckle because my first thought after Shelby was born was "Crap. I have one of those. What do I do now?" No tears of joy, no feelings of undying love. Nope, just a simple "Crap!"

I don't how often I start to recite the Serenity prayer (you know the one) when dealing with my child. Funny because that is the prayer used for Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and well, parenting can drive you to drink!!

Don't get me wrong. I love Shelby. I love her more than words can say. See, I am not totally heartless. That undying love did eventually show up. But there are days I just want to strangle her. Well strangle her and hug her at the same time. How can these little people cause so much emotion??

I have to say my favorite moments are those ones where I go in to check on her when she is sleeping. The devil horns have retracted for the night and she looks so angelic. I forget how she screamed at me earlier when I told her to clean her room, or how she rolled her eyes at me when I made a suggestion of some kind.

Sometimes I feel like going "God, seriously, why did you trust me to raise this little creature? Is this some type of joke??" But he must have a bigger plan for me, and he knows what he is doing! Well for Shelby's sake...I hope so!

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

New & Improved!

There is The Vampire Diaries (love, love, love!) and now The Carrie Diaries (never watched) so I figured why not update my blog with a new name and have it be The Stephanie Diaries?!?!

I can't promise it will be as bloody as TVD. Oh wait I can promise it won't be as bloody as TVD, as I am not a big fan of blood. However I cannot promise I won't post pic's/comments/or drool over TVD. My family knows to leave me the heck alone on Thursday nights at 8 pm as I watch my show!

I can promise this blog will be more grown up then TCD. Though I am an 80's child (and that is the era this show takes place), I would rather leave those fashions and times in my past! I was never a fan of Sex in the City, which TCD is a prequel too, so no real desire to watch that show.

So welcome to my new and improved blog!

Happy Reading!

Monday, February 11, 2013


It has been one of those days. Where you just want to bang you head against the wall and scream "Why God! Why!"

"Why do you make me deal with stupid people?"

"Why are you testing my patience!"

"Why can't I win the lottery??"

I know I have to quit thinking so negatively. What I should be saying when I get annoyed are things like "If this is as worse as it gets, I can deal with it"

But oh I dream of sitting on a nice warm beach, the sun shining down on me with no care in the world!

Any body wanna come with me!

Here's to hoping God grants me the patience to deal with whatever comes my way tomorrow.