Hmm, just realized it's been over a year since I wrote anything on my blog. I also didn't sent out a yearly Christmas newsletter like I have done in the past. So I thought I would recap 2019 here on my blog instead. I mean who actually sends letters via snail mail anymore right??
So let's rewind back to January 2019. I turned 29...yet again! Let's see...that makes 14 times now? And we can't forget Snowmaggedon in February. We had at least one week where we were basically stuck at home. Good thing we have the option of working remotely, but we did start to get cabin fever. And poor Shelby had to make up a bunch of snow days.
For spring break in April we went to New York. He had gone to Germany the week before that for work so Shelby & I met with him there. Of course the day before we left I came down with a cold and then the fam caught it once we were in New York, but we made it through and got to see the typical New York sites - Bronx Zoo, Central Park, 9/11 Memorial, Lady Liberty, Time Square. I did enjoy the city and it is cool to see the buildings and places you usually only see on TV or hear about in person.
As you all know from Facebook posts and previous Christmas letters, my job at Philips came to end this year. They transitioned our jobs to Nashville. Our last day was supposed to be June 28th but then they moved it up to May 3rd. This meant I spent the summer lounging in our pool, getting tan and searching for jobs. I also spent that time getting together with other coworkers that were also affected by the transition (and were in the unemployment line with me).
But alas, all good times must come to an end. I interviewed at a company called Spacelabs. I was lucky and the hiring director had actually previously worked at Philips and knew my director there! I started work there September 2nd. The people are great, and the work is very similar to what I have done previously at Philips and Honeywell so it's been a pretty easy transition.
When I was offered the job I had made a joke to Chad that we could now afford a truck payment so he could get a new car. Well...he took me seriously and after selling his truck and the Studebaker and paying off his motorcycle, he was able to get a new truck! Of course he likes to show off and will constantly start it before leaving the house. Let's just say...that has gotten a bit old...
Chad continues to go on trips for work - France in January (left on my birthday!) Germany in April for a trade show, another trade show in September and Shelby & I joined him for the weekend in Santa Monica. We saw a few Hollywood sites, walked the pier and enjoyed sunny weather. He then went to Santiago Chile for a customer meeting. Luckily this was before the issues down there. Then in November he went to Hamburg for a customer meeting & Isle of Wight was for a visit with coworkers.
Shelby started her Junior year in high school. She still goes to Cedarcrest High School, but only for one class. Then she does running start at the CWU campus in Sammamish. She loves it and is doing well with the classes.
Besides enjoying my summer off (I even got a tan!!) I have just been crafting away, and trying to get together with friends and family as much as I can.
We did something a little different this Christmas. We went to Hawaii! This is the first time we haven't spent the holidays with our families. We went with Shelby's best friend Heidi and her parents. The girls loved it because they got to vacation together! It is so nice to wear shorts and short sleeves in December! Shelby & Chad got sick at the end but luckily we were able to travel home without any issues.
Not sure what 2020 will bring us. So far Chad already has a trip to China booked. At least he isn't leaving on my birthday this year!
Wishing everyone a Happy 2020!!