Random stuff bout Me, Chad, Shelby or anything else I feel like talking about

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Day Off: Scrapbooking for Me!!

So, I did not do any work on our project today - or yesterday for that matter. Yesterday I took Shelby to her friends b-day party at Chuck E Cheese (she says it was the BEST PARTY EVER!!) and then we came home and she played with the neighbor girl. Then we just vegged!

Today I had my scrapbooking ladies over for our club. I worked on a few little projects for them. After they left I had to make one for myself as well. So today you are going to see pic's of the projects I worked on!!

This first item is a post it, coaster and a binder clip. A neat little note pad!

This item is a luggage tag so that we don't get our scrapbook totes mixed up! On the one side is the definition for a scrapbooker (quite funny!) and the other side had each person's name on it. Nothing spectacular but I used my new laminator!!

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