Random stuff bout Me, Chad, Shelby or anything else I feel like talking about

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pederslie's Money Pit - Day 1,456

Okay, so it really has not been that many days since we started our house projects...it just seems like it!

I know it has been awhile since I have posted any updates. What can I say..I am lazy..and there really hasn't been that much to post - at least not any cool before/during/after pic's. Until now!!!!!!

I thought I would post some pic's I alraedy have so you can see before/after pic's.

And away we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!...................

Sorry about the teeny pic's...But believe me...after the hassle I have gone through this is it! I don't know how many tries it took me to finally post all of these pic's! Have I mentioned lately that I HATE computers!!!!?????!!!!

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