Random stuff bout Me, Chad, Shelby or anything else I feel like talking about

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Girls Night

So last night Chad spent the evening in a seedy motel with his friend down in Tacoma. Okay, so maybe it wasn't seedy...but it is in Tacoma. Anyway, he was gone so it was a Girls Night at home for Shelby & I. And what a fun night it was....(do you feel the sarcasm just dripping from that sentence??)

I let Shelby pick out movies to watch. We watched The Little Mermaid II (what an oscar winner) and Sleeping Beauty. Then she wanted her nails painted so I, as the nail technician Flora, painted them three shades of pink. Can you tell by my name that we were watching Sleeping Beauty at this time??

Today it is off to Remlinger Farms. Hope the rain will taper off!

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