Yesterday was a surreal day. First off Chad sent me a CNN breaking news email that Farrah Fawcett had passed away. Sad, but it had been expected. A bit later he sent me another CNN breaking news that Michael Jackson had suffered cardiac arrest, then a few minutes later another that said he was in a coma. Then about an hour later on our way home we heard that he had passed away. Granted I found him to be weird and kind of freaky but I have always enjoyed his music. And listening to his songs now does bring back childhood memories.
There is one song that keeps going through my head (Man in the Mirror - hence the blog title!) and it reminds me of junior high because I believe all three years of junior high they would play this song as they did a slide show of students. I know, not to original were they??
Then I had to laugh last night because as we were watching a special on MJ (what channel WASN'T doing some type of special??) and they were playing the video "Thriller". Again another memory pops up in my head when I hear this song and I picture myself as a little second grader attending some (hokey) program at school. They were playing MJ videos and his music and kids were breakdancing and doing the moonwalk. Hokey but I think it was for a good cause. We brought in canned food and hey - we got out of class! What is funny is that Shelby was sitting next to me when this song came on and she goes "Mommy, remember in 13 Going on 30? They danced to this song!" It just made me think how songs can invoke different memories in all of us.
It was just awesome to see how my daughters memories are and will differ from mine.
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