Yes we have arrived in Cali and are taking it by storm! We arrived Saturday and prompty jumped into Toyota Camry rental and headed to San Diego for 2 days of fun and sun (though I think more sun then fun was had by me). Though I am a true Washingtonian, there is something to be said about warm Cali weather. I laugh when the meterologists say a cold front is coming in and it's going to be a breezy 70 degrees! That's a cold front? Dude, that is a heat wave for me!!
After a quick visit with my childhood BFF (too short but not for lack of effort - that is a whole other story that I just don't want to rehash right now) we headed to Seaworld where Shelby forced us to sit in the very first row of the Shamu show. Yes, we got soaked! However, we agreed that due to our soakage that Shelby's rule for daddy of only "One Starbucks a day" was now null and void.
The following day we ventured to Legoland. Talk about creativity! Makes me want to buy some Legos and get to work on my own little Legoland! But I will settle for the cool little Gnome Lego Guy I got and call it good!
After another long day in the sun (more sunscreen for us that day though so no new sunburns!) we got back in the car and were Disneyland bound! We are now in our COOL beach themed room at Paradise Pier Hotel. OMG, this decor is coming home with me! Wonder if they will notice me walking out with the cool surfboard lamp.....
Today is a fly by the seat of our pants kind of day. We will be taking a tour of Warner Bros Studios since Chad & I loved that so much the last time we were here and we think Shelby will enjoy it. She got very excited when we say the big donut at Randy's donuts as she had seen it on Iron Man 2.
Though I should bring my jacket, because you know there is that cool front coming in today. It is going to be a chilly 70 degrees.....