I love the Internet. I love how you can simply google a word and get information that you need. I love that I can keep in contact w/family and friends that don't live near by. It's a great tool HOWEVER I also hate it with a passion.
Being a parent is hard. Who am I kidding, it's harder than hard (thanks Google, wasn't sure what was worse than hard!). You kind of know going into it that it won't be too easy. You will have the sleepless nights, diaper changes, potty training issues. But what no one tells you is that those cute little babies become moody teenagers. No one tells you either that no one EVER talks about the bad stuff. It's like Fight Club....NO ONE TALKS ABOUT THE BAD STUFF!!
Your little Timmy is fighting giving up his Binky? DO NOT TALK ABOUT IT! Your child isn't doing that great in school? DO NOT TALK ABOUT IT! Your teenager is a snotty, little $hit? DO NOT TALK ABOUT IT!
Well guess what...I am going to talk about it!!
I am here to tell you that children, especially my child, are not angels. Oh sure, sometimes they may seem like it but it's all a ruse so that you let your defenses down and then WHAM they become a little $hit! And then you are left there going "But all my friends post about all the great things their kids do on social media. Don't their kids ever throw tantrums like mine? What am I doing wrong??"
You are doing nothing wrong! All kids are little $hits! ALL KIDS ARE LITTLE $HITS! But back to the rules of Parent Club...NO ONE TALKS ABOUT THE BAD STUFF.
Your kid have 10 different after school activities? My kid is a lazy a$s that sits on her butt until we get home from work, watching TV and playing on her phone. Your kid cleaned the whole house without you asking them to? My kid succeeded in blatantly ignoring me a record 5 times as I told her to empty the dishwasher (her ONE designated chore that she has to do regularly). Your kid is a straight A student? Well my kid...oh wait...my child has been that...but right now she does have a few B's...Let's move on....
There is nothing wrong if your kid is awesome and you should want to brag about it. But let's talk about the bad stuff too. It's hard enough being a parent and wondering if you are totally screwing up your kid (guess what...you are but they will come out okay). But we don't need to already be doubting ourselves just to have people on social media make us doubt ourselves even more.
Years ago I posted a status on Facebook that basically was along the lines of "My kid is being a little $hit" and one of my friends (the mom of one of Shelby's classmates) was like "I am so glad you posted that! I thought it was just my kid!"
So the Parent Club has a new rule - Talk about ALL of it. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Children may be unique but their actions, tantrums, moods are the same of every other generation. We have been there, our parents have been there. We have all gone through it - as the parent or the child.
My child is a little $hit but man do I love her! She makes me laugh, makes me smile at the smarta$s comments she makes (makes me so proud! 😊), I am really quite proud of her, even if she does make me want to pull my hair out quite often.