So it seems that summer is quickly coming to a close. And unfortunately I don't know if we really had much of one this year! We had a few hot days here and there (and to be honest...a lot of them were TOO warm for me)but I don't know if I am ready for rainy days and cold nights!
I will have you know that I am fighting on having to wear shoes and socks as long as I can! So this may mean that you see me walking through snow in summer sandals! The thought of wearing socks and shoes on my feet just sound so stifling! I don't wanna do it! My toes need to breathe!!!!!
So in a few days my little girl will be starting kindergarten. I have relaxed a bit now that we have visited her classroom and met her teacher. And she seems excited about riding the bus now! Before when I told her she would be riding a bus she said "No, you will be dropping me off" We will be adjusting our work schedule (Working from 9-3 in the office and then a few hours before and after at home) We will see how that works. But it means only having to pay for All Day kindergarten (about $330) which is more the half of what we were paying for preschool!
Speaking of preschool...I got such a nice call from Shelby's preschool teacher on Thursday. It was Shelby's last day and we had gotten her teacher a little gift. One of the items was a much from Starbucks. It had an insert that Shelby colored. She drew a picture of herself and of her teacher. Her teacher just LOVED it and said she even cried. And I guess Shelby followed her around all day and kept giving her hugs. My little girl is just a compassionate little girl! It amazes me how caring she is!! Must get that from me! ;)
Gets her stubbornness from me too. Remember a few posts back where I said she had a loose tooth. Well she has two now and both still have not come out! And the one is VERY loose. I try to wiggle it but she won't let me and she makes sure to eat food on the sides of her mouth. I tell her that the tooth fairy will come and leave her $$ but it doesn't matter to her! Stubborn, stubborn, stubborn!!
So we went to the fair yesterday. That was fun and no rain! Though it was muggy during the day (and I was wearing socks and tennies - My feet could not breathe!!)but it got quite breezy by the time we left. We had scones, elephant ears, checked out the animals, Shelby went on a few rides (and we talked her out of a fish!) We checked out this cool curling iron (that cost $129!!! YIKES!), I got a cool magnetic bracelet (let's hope it helps with circulation and stuff and my wrist quits hurting) and um, I guess that is about it! But it was fun!!
So, I procrastinated and waited until today to get school supplies for Shelby. I had to deal with crowds (and have you ever noticed nowadays how people are so oblivious at stores and just leave their carts in the middle of the aisles???) and empty bins where supplies should have been. But luckily I got everything on her list except for the glue sticks. And I talked her in to the $10 backpack!! WOOHOO!!
So with that being said...Summer is coming to a close. :( I really do like stuff about each season but I think summer is the one that I am saddest to see go. I mean I like autumn and winter as I enjoy curling up under a blankie at home and reading a good book but by the time spring rolls around I am SO ready for warmer weather and less clothes! We will however be making one last summer trip. Friday we will be heading down to the beachhouse (aka the Worldmark condo Chad's parents have reserved in Seaside)for the Wheels and Waves car show. Should be fun!!
And since you probably dozed off about 3 paragraphs ago I will end this post!
I'd rather be scrapbooking but my craftroom is a mess and anyway I am curled up on the couch watching a rerun of Chuck.....