Random stuff bout Me, Chad, Shelby or anything else I feel like talking about

Saturday, September 7, 2013

It's True! Time DOES Fly!

So my darling daughter started 5th grade this last week. This will be her last year of elementary school. Next year will be 6th grade at the middle school.

Where has the time gone? I am pretty sure it was just last week when we were walking her across the street to get on the school bus for the first time.

Every day she just amazes me. Either it's because she is so smart and so pretty, or because she has such an attitude and I am amazed I made it through the day without strangling her!

She is an artist. She is an avid reader. She is an athlete (of sorts!) and plays soccer. She is a musician (plays piano and wants to be in band!). She is a comedian. She has a heart as big as Texas!

She is my little angel....at night...when she is sleeping...when the horns retract!!

But I never gave her permission to grow up! I mean she is almost as tall as me now and in 5 short years she (gasp!) could be driving!

So it is true, what people say. Time DOES fly. Cherish every moment because before you know it....they won't be little babies anymore!

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